How to Be Beautiful: 4 Beauty Bloggers Share Their Best Tips

How to Be Beautiful: 4 Beauty Bloggers Share Their Best Tips

What’s the first thing you see when you imagine someone beautiful? Do you see healthy, glowing skin, soft, full lips and strong, voluminous hair? How about someone who’s happy, confident and supportive of others?

There’s no right response to this because beauty is completely subjective. If you feel beautiful, that’s truly all that matters. To paint a well-rounded picture of beauty, we asked four beauty bloggers, “What makes you feel most beautiful?” Here are six consistent pieces of advice we received.

1. Embrace what makes you unique. Stop comparing yourself to others. 

“Everyone is beautiful. You just need to take the time to look at yourself as an individual, rather than comparing yourself to what you see on Instagram or YouTube. Embracing who you are and your unique physical characteristics and being able to exude that love of what makes you unique is something that is truly beautiful.”

2. Do a little something for yourself each day.

“I feel beautiful when I am happy. So, I try to do something every day that makes me happy (go on a hike, play with makeup, enjoy a bubble bath, spend time with family).”

“I think the thing that makes me feel the most beautiful is when I take the time every day to primp, even just a little bit. I’m a super busy mom and business owner, but I always make the time (most days anyway) to make myself feel pretty. Even if it’s only a bit of powder foundation over my SPF, a bit of brow powder, some mascara and a bit of gloss. Doing something for yourself every day is so important, especially for moms who often neglect themselves.”

3. Focus on your skin health.

“I recommend spending a bit more time focusing on skin care. It’s so important to take care of your skin. You don’t need a 12-step process. Cleanse, tone, moisturize and put on an SPF every single day. Maybe even add in a retinol or Vitamin C treatment for good measure. ;-)”

“Having beautiful skin sets the canvas for everything else. I love my Vitamin C serums (these help reverse sun damage). Exfoliating is one of my favorite things for getting rid of the old skin just laying on the surface.

4. Don’t neglect the rest of your health—beauty starts from within.

“Sleep and nutrition: truly, it is so important. Our whole body is involved in looking our best. Eat healthy fats and whole foods. Beauty truly does start from within. These foods will help keep your skin, hair and nails healthy!”


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