How to Achieve Dewy Skin Without Makeup (Even During Winter)

How to Achieve Dewy Skin Without Makeup (Even During Winter) As if it ever left, a glowing, ultra-dewy complexion is back in, with everyone from beauty bloggers to runway models emulating the look. “The inspiration comes from the Korean beauty trend known as ‘glass skin,’ which basically translates to a poreless, dewy complexion that has been enhanced with a luminesce sheen or finish,” explains celebrity makeup artist, Geoffrey Rodriguez. “Compared to some of the other popular beauty trends such as contouring, or matte skin, which refract light and can look very heavy and artificial in natural daylight, ‘glass skin’ ultimately looks softer and perhaps therefore, more flattering. The best way to achieve this youthful, glowing appearance? It starts with a focus on skin health: regular exfoliation, hydration, drink water, etc. “This trend is about caring for your skin until it strobes on its own and you don’t need foundation and primers to fake it,” says Alex LaMarsh, celebrity hair and...